Once the snow has melted, there may be areas of snow mold present in the lawn. Any heavily matted down areas should be raked lightly to stand the blades back up to help the grass come out of dormancy. Make sure to get all the raking, dethatching, or aerating done before the first treatment of fertilizer is applied. Spring is also the best time to re-edge and mulch any beds in the yard. This will help keep the weeds down, help the plants retain more moisture, and increase the visual appeal of your property.
Raising the mowing height over the summer months to no less than 3-3 ½ inches will help provide the lawn with the most moisture retention in the soil. The taller cut will also result in a greener, healthier lawn with less crabgrass breakthroughs. During the summer months, most lawns require 2 inches of water a week. A low-cost rain gauge will help you determine how much water you are applying weekly.
Early fall is the best time to seed your lawn. With lower temperatures, the lawns aren't drying out and the seed will germinate stronger without the stress of heat. Make sure to loosen up the soil in any bare spots before you seed. A good scraping with a landscaping rake is all it should need. Apply a starter fertilizer (if not already mixed in) after seeding to aid in the growth of the new grass. Keep seeded areas moist for the first few weeks.